09 January 2012

Business Cards

Deadlines always kick things into high gear.  That is something I definitely need to keep on top of myself with, creating real deadlines.  I'm newly working on keeping better to personal goals for myself which seems appropriate, it being January and all.  I've never been much of a competitive person even with myself so real deadlines just have that extra boost that allow me to ignore things like the dishes and cat litter.
The deadline that has been helping me ignore daily responsibilities most recently is the upcoming opening reception for the show I'll be exhibiting in at McGladrey Gallery in Charlestown on February 8th.  Earlier this week I got my website up and running and today I submitted an order for business cards.  I've had two sets of business cards before but these newbs will definitely be the best ones yet.  The first ones I had printed up included incorrect information, making them no good as of the second I got them, and I threw them immediately away.  I made the second batch of cards by hand using a brushstroke of paint from the palette I was using for an artsy detail.  I liked the second group because I like the idea of a card made by hand (handwriting, not using a printing press although hand printed cards rock) but I don't think I nailed it and therefore did not give them out as often as I should have. This new group of cards I am really proud of and will actually be giving these ones out.


Second attempt at having a decent card

Here is the site I used to make my new cards:
There are lots of weird animations on there but I got 100 cards for free (I payed $3.95 I think for the slowest shipping) and the company will not print any of their information on the product... good find.

1 comment:

  1. Marian O'Brien GilmoreJanuary 9, 2012 at 7:35 PM

    I want one....they're beautiful!
