18 February 2010

What I've been up to in the studio

Visual Update
Images 1-6 are on 10x12" canvas painted with oil
Image 7 is on approx 40x26" stretched canvas painted with oil
Image 8 is on 16x20" canvas board painted with oil

(Don't know why this guy is washed out, probably because I need to work on my photography skills.) 

(In progress)

I've got some more things going in the studio but you'll have to check back later for those!

15 February 2010

Amy Bennett

Been out of the studio for a couple days focusing on my Education textbooks so here are a few paintings from Amy Bennett who I just discovered surfing around art websites.

Trespassers, Oil on Panel, 18x18"

Evening News, Oil on Panel, 8x10"

Cold Compress, Oil on Panel, 12x16"

Stopped by Home Depot today to get some supplies to build a 4x5' stretcher so I'll be back in the studio working on that and other paintings tomorrow.

12 February 2010

Forward Moving

Forward Progress!

Here is a fresh sketch for a new piece I'm about to start. I can't wait to get into the studio to try it out with some oils. I'm thinking I'll throw it out on a 16"x20" panel. More on this later.

My landscape series is continuing on, I have 10.5 out of 14 of them completed. As I work on finishing those up over the next week I'll be stretching a big guy (4'x5') to paint a large version of one of them. Can't wait to post the pieces I've completed recently. I'm proud of this series and have to give a shout out to my girl Arlee who's paintings are a great inspiration for me. I just checked around for pics of her work online but couldn't find anything, I've put a request in so hopefully we can see some soon up in hur.