09 July 2011

Process Post

Here is a post I've been working on all week.  I've tried to take photos at each decision point.  Of course not EVERY decision point, but highlighting the important ones.

I still have to measure this one but the sketchbook resting to the left of the canvas is about 12" long for reference.

This one is close to being finished.  Next time in the studio I will be lightening up my darkest dark blue and adding some glazes to my gray mid-tones for added depth and texture.

And here is "Earth Hole with Hidden Shape" again.  I thought it was much closer than it actually was to being finished when I posted it last time.  In really good lighting it looked okay for me but out of that something was lost.  I decided that a minor shift in light can't be to blame for an entire painting failing and that it actually was kind of dirty looking, so I got back in there. 

(This last one is a little warped because of the angle I took the photo)