26 January 2010

New Ideas

Here are some new sketches I've been working on for new paintings.
I'm using a new process which begins with doing digital sketches then printing those out and spending time with them in my studio.
Physical edits are made, worked on digitally further if needed and then on to the painting process.
This group is nearing the end of their editing phases and one is being worked on with oils in the studio.
These are to be seen as reference and only time will tell how closely they stay or far they move from these sketches.
More sketches are being worked on and aside from these I have a completely separate body of work developing:
I'm embarking on a journey into politically themed work. Hopefully I will be able to find some humor within all of the passion for change I am often consumed by while maintaining my message, I have things to say!
Stay tuned for further painting updates, this should be moving along quickly with all of these ideas moving around :)

In other news about getting my painting out and into the world, I stopped by The Better Bean Coffee Co. this afternoon in Bridgewater, got a killer Cafe Latte with Jeff and dropped off my information to be given to the owner so we'll see where that develops! Jeff has been going there for years and the place really seems to be developing every time I've stopped in there. Always new artwork showing and sandwiches now too! ART AND SANDWICHES!!!

If anybody has any more suggestions on places to get my paintings shown, please let me know!

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