I've been getting really into baking from a box lately... and then eating a good portion of whatever it is that I've made. These Pumpkin Muffins were kind of to die for though and I'll probably making them another few times before they are gone for the season, whether or not I can exert any self control when they are around.
I know it isn't good to open the oven door while cooking, but I love watching things cook so much! Sometimes I'll pull out a little step stool and watch through the glass as things cook.
Fluffiest muffins of all time.
Morning set-up
My sibling mug!
I'm currently reading Cloud Atlas. There was a really interesting article in the New Yorker from the beginning of the month about this book and the sister and brother filmmakers, Lana and Andy Wachowski (creators of The Matrix) who have turned it into a film. I'm not sure when the film is being released but I will definitely be seeing it. I'm about a third of the way through the book and feel like I am still in the beginning pages. This is going to be one of those reads where you dread reaching the last page.
And my friend Winston who follows me around the house on slow mornings like these.