It’s been a while; I’ve moved out of one studio and into another, my position as the art teacher at a summer camp has clearly ended and new work is in progress!
Here is my fabulous new plant that I am very excited about. I’ve had it for a week or two now and it grows these beautiful little orange flowers that look like goldfish. I think it may need a transplant soon, what do you think?
Here are two paintings that I am currently working on. I think they’ll be done soon. I’m very excited for a couple new colors these two have each added to my palate.
Cobalt Teal mixed with a bit of Cobalt Blue (plus a little Titanium White and Cadmium Yellow Dark mixed in places) is giving me some exciting new blues in the center of the second painting. I am also happy to put my Dioxazine Violet to use with Yellow Ochre and Burt Sienna to get a new and rich fleshy tone which you can see underneath some glazing in the bottom right area of the first painting.
Recently I have been taking drawing a lot more seriously. Here are three completed pieces and one work in progress (shown with source material). All are approx 27x21” but really that is a big estimation, I never trust my mental measurements!
Here is a tiny sample of my sketches and source material used before and throughout a piece.
A few artists I am currently looking at:
Thomas Moran (Big Yellowstone painter)
Nancy Friese (A temporary faculty member at MassArt, I saw her artist talk a couple weeks ago and spoke with her afterwards, amazing work!!!)